Beanie Baby Signature Bears: Ty Beanie Babies Explained

Welcome to the world of Ty Beanie Babies, a place filled with cuddly creatures and collectible critters that have captured the hearts of millions worldwide. In this glossary article, we’re going to delve into the fascinating world of Beanie Baby Signature Bears, one of the most iconic and beloved categories in the Beanie Baby universe.

From their inception to their unique characteristics, we’ll explore everything there is to know about these adorable plush toys. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or a newcomer to the Beanie Baby scene, this comprehensive guide will provide you with a wealth of knowledge about these charming bears.

The History of Beanie Baby Signature Bears

Beanie Baby Signature Bears are a special line within the Ty Beanie Babies collection. They were first introduced in 1999, marking a significant milestone in the Beanie Baby timeline. The Signature Bears were created as a unique way to celebrate the success and popularity of Beanie Babies, and they quickly became a hit among collectors and enthusiasts.

Each year, a new Signature Bear was released, making them a highly anticipated annual event in the Beanie Baby community. The bears were typically released at the start of the year and featured a special embroidered signature from Ty Warner, the founder of Ty Inc. This signature is what gives the bears their name and their unique appeal.

Key Features of Signature Bears

Signature Bears are known for their distinctive characteristics, which set them apart from other Beanie Babies. One of the most notable features is the embroidered signature of Ty Warner, which is typically found on the bear’s chest. This signature is meticulously stitched and adds a personal touch to each bear.

Another key feature of Signature Bears is their hang tag. Unlike other Beanie Babies, the hang tag of a Signature Bear features a special holographic design, making it stand out. The hang tag also includes a poem, which is a signature element of all Beanie Babies.

Collectibility and Value

Due to their limited release and unique features, Signature Bears are highly collectible. Collectors often seek out these bears for their rarity and the special touch of the Ty Warner signature. The value of a Signature Bear can vary greatly, depending on factors such as the condition of the bear, the rarity of the edition, and the demand among collectors.

It’s also worth noting that the market for Beanie Babies can be quite volatile, with prices fluctuating based on trends and market demand. Therefore, while some Signature Bears may fetch a high price, others may not be as valuable. As with any collectible, it’s important to do your research and understand the market before making a purchase.

Popular Signature Bears

Over the years, a variety of Signature Bears have been released, each with its own unique appeal. While all Signature Bears are cherished by collectors, some have gained particular popularity due to their unique designs, limited availability, or special significance.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the most popular Signature Bears in the Beanie Baby collection.

1999 Signature Bear

The 1999 Signature Bear holds a special place in the hearts of Beanie Baby enthusiasts. As the first Signature Bear ever released, it marked the beginning of a new era in the Beanie Baby world. This bear is brown in color and features Ty Warner’s signature embroidered in gold thread on its chest.

Due to its status as the inaugural Signature Bear, the 1999 bear is highly sought after by collectors. Its value can vary greatly, with mint condition bears fetching a higher price. However, as with all Beanie Babies, the value can fluctuate based on market trends and demand.

2000 Millennium Bear

The 2000 Millennium Bear is another popular Signature Bear. Released to celebrate the turn of the millennium, this bear is a symbol of a significant moment in history. The Millennium Bear is purple in color and features an embroidered globe and the word “millennium” on its chest, along with Ty Warner’s signature.

As a commemorative bear, the Millennium Bear holds special significance for collectors. Its value can vary, with mint condition bears often fetching a higher price. However, as with all Beanie Babies, it’s important to understand the market and do your research before making a purchase.

Where to Buy Signature Bears

If you’re interested in adding a Signature Bear to your collection, there are several places where you can find these adorable bears. One of the best places to shop for Ty Beanie Babies is at This online store offers a wide selection of Beanie Babies, including Signature Bears, for any occasion.

When shopping for Signature Bears, it’s important to consider factors such as the condition of the bear, the authenticity of the signature, and the bear’s hang tag. Always make sure to buy from a reputable seller to ensure you’re getting a genuine Beanie Baby.


Beanie Baby Signature Bears are a unique and cherished part of the Beanie Baby collection. From their distinctive features to their collectibility, these bears hold a special place in the hearts of Beanie Baby enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or just starting out, Signature Bears offer a unique and exciting addition to any Beanie Baby collection.

Remember, the world of Beanie Babies is vast and varied, and there’s always something new to discover. So, whether you’re shopping for a Signature Bear or exploring other Beanie Babies, enjoy the journey and happy collecting!

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