Beanie Baby Swing Tags: Shop Ty Beanie Babies

Welcome to the world of Beanie Baby Swing Tags, an essential part of the Ty Beanie Babies collecting experience. These tags are not just labels, they are a gateway to the rich history and unique characteristics of each Beanie Baby. Understanding them can enhance your appreciation of your collection and potentially increase its value.

Whether you’re a seasoned collector, a casual fan, or a newcomer to the Beanie Baby universe, this comprehensive guide will provide you with an in-depth look at Beanie Baby Swing Tags. We’ll delve into their history, their types, their significance, and much more. So, let’s get started!

History of Beanie Baby Swing Tags

The history of Beanie Baby Swing Tags is intertwined with the history of Ty Beanie Babies themselves. The first Beanie Babies were introduced by Ty Warner in 1993, and they came with a simple heart-shaped tag attached to their ear. This tag, now known as the “swing tag,” contained basic information about the Beanie Baby, such as its name and a short poem.

Over the years, the design and content of the swing tags have evolved, reflecting changes in the Beanie Baby line and the collecting community. The swing tags have become an integral part of the Beanie Baby identity, with collectors often basing the value of a Beanie Baby on the condition and version of its swing tag.

Early Swing Tags

The earliest Beanie Baby swing tags were relatively simple. They were heart-shaped, with the Beanie Baby’s name and a four-line poem on the inside. The outside of the tag featured the Ty logo and the words “Original Beanie Baby.”

These early tags are now highly sought after by collectors, as they are associated with the first generation of Beanie Babies. They are often referred to as “1st generation” swing tags.

Later Swing Tags

As Beanie Babies grew in popularity, Ty began to introduce new features to the swing tags. These included longer poems, additional information about the Beanie Baby, and even holographic designs. The shape of the tag also changed over time, with some tags featuring rounded corners or unique shapes.

These later swing tags are often referred to by their generation, such as “5th generation” or “6th generation” swing tags. Each generation of swing tag has its own distinct features, making them an interesting aspect of Beanie Baby collecting.

Types of Beanie Baby Swing Tags

There are several types of Beanie Baby swing tags, each with its own unique features and significance. Understanding these different types can help you appreciate the diversity of your Beanie Baby collection and potentially identify rare or valuable pieces.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common types of Beanie Baby swing tags.

Standard Swing Tags

The standard swing tag is the most common type of Beanie Baby tag. It is heart-shaped, with the Beanie Baby’s name, a short poem, and the Ty logo on the inside. The outside of the tag features the words “Original Beanie Baby.”

Standard swing tags have gone through several generations, with each generation featuring slight changes in design or content. These changes can be subtle, such as a change in font or the addition of a holographic design, but they are often used by collectors to date a Beanie Baby and determine its value.

Special Edition Swing Tags

Special edition swing tags are used for Beanie Babies that are part of a special collection or series. These tags often feature unique designs or additional information related to the special edition. For example, a Beanie Baby from the “Beanie of the Month” series might have a swing tag that includes the month and year of its release.

Special edition swing tags are highly sought after by collectors, as they often signify a rare or limited edition Beanie Baby. They can also add an extra layer of interest to a Beanie Baby collection, as they often feature unique artwork or information.

Significance of Beanie Baby Swing Tags

The significance of Beanie Baby swing tags extends beyond their role as labels. They are a key part of the Beanie Baby identity, providing a connection between the toy and its backstory. They also play a crucial role in determining a Beanie Baby’s value.

Let’s explore these aspects of Beanie Baby swing tags in more detail.

Identity and Backstory

Each Beanie Baby comes with a unique name and a short poem that provides a glimpse into its personality or backstory. This information is contained in the swing tag, making the tag a key part of the Beanie Baby’s identity.

The poems often have a whimsical or playful tone, reflecting the fun and imaginative spirit of Beanie Babies. They can also provide a starting point for imaginative play, encouraging children to create their own stories and adventures for their Beanie Babies.

Value and Collectability

The condition and generation of a Beanie Baby’s swing tag can significantly impact its value. Collectors often prefer Beanie Babies with mint condition tags, as these are seen as a sign of careful handling and preservation. The generation of the tag can also be a factor, with earlier generations often being more valuable due to their rarity.

In addition, certain types of swing tags, such as special edition tags or tags with errors, can increase a Beanie Baby’s value. These tags are often sought after by collectors, making them an important aspect of Beanie Baby collecting.

Gifting Beanie Babies

Beanie Babies make great gifts for a variety of occasions. Their cute designs, unique personalities, and affordable price point make them a popular choice for birthdays, holidays, and other special events. Plus, the swing tag adds an extra touch of charm and personalization to the gift.

Let’s look at some occasions where gifting a Beanie Baby can be a great idea.


With their wide range of characters and themes, Beanie Babies can be a perfect birthday gift for children and adults alike. You can choose a Beanie Baby that reflects the recipient’s interests or personality, making the gift feel personal and thoughtful. Plus, the swing tag provides a fun and unique way to convey your birthday wishes.

For collectors, a Beanie Baby with a special edition or rare swing tag can be an exciting addition to their collection. It’s a gift that combines fun, nostalgia, and the thrill of collecting, making it a memorable birthday present.


Beanie Babies are also a great gift for holidays like Christmas, Easter, or Valentine’s Day. Ty often releases special holiday-themed Beanie Babies, complete with festive swing tags. These Beanie Babies can make a fun and festive addition to holiday celebrations.

For collectors, holiday-themed Beanie Babies can be a fun way to celebrate the season while adding to their collection. The special edition swing tags often associated with these Beanie Babies can also make them a sought-after gift.

Preserving Beanie Baby Swing Tags

Preserving the condition of your Beanie Baby swing tags is crucial, especially if you’re a collector. A Beanie Baby with a mint condition tag can be significantly more valuable than one with a damaged or missing tag. Plus, preserving the tag helps maintain the Beanie Baby’s identity and backstory.

Here are some tips for preserving your Beanie Baby swing tags.

Handling with Care

When handling your Beanie Babies, be careful not to bend or scratch the swing tag. It’s a good idea to hold the Beanie Baby by its body rather than its tag, and to avoid pulling on the tag.

If you’re displaying your Beanie Babies, consider placing them in a location where they won’t be knocked over or handled frequently. This can help protect the swing tag from accidental damage.

Using Tag Protectors

Tag protectors are a popular tool for preserving Beanie Baby swing tags. These are clear plastic covers that fit over the swing tag, protecting it from dust, moisture, and damage.

Tag protectors come in various sizes to fit different generations of swing tags. They are usually affordable and easy to use, making them a worthwhile investment for any Beanie Baby collector.


Beanie Baby swing tags are more than just labels. They are a window into the world of Beanie Babies, providing a connection to each Beanie Baby’s unique identity and backstory. They also play a crucial role in the collecting experience, influencing a Beanie Baby’s value and collectability.

Whether you’re a seasoned collector or a casual fan, understanding Beanie Baby swing tags can enhance your appreciation of these charming toys. So next time you pick up a Beanie Baby, take a moment to explore its swing tag – you might be surprised at what you discover!

Now that you’ve delved into the enchanting world of Beanie Baby swing tags and their significance in the collector’s journey, why not expand your own collection or start a new adventure with a cuddly companion? At, we’re dedicated to providing you with a treasure trove of Beanie Babies, Beanie Boos, and Beanie Buddies, along with a variety of unique childcare items to bring joy and imagination into your child’s life. Checkout our plush shop now and discover the perfect Beanie Baby to create lasting memories for your little one!

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